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  通过我不懈的努力我在专业技术水平得到了老师的认可,终于通过一次偶然的机会我得到了一个参与开发项目的机会,并作为技术骨干协助老师进行linux下iptables的模块开发。从理论的角度来看这个模块开发可以算做操作系统理论,而我对编写系统模块并不是很熟悉,这又是一次挑战.我在一本介绍module programming的书里找到了关于编写系统模块的信息, 凭借我大胆的尝试,虽然失败了几次,但最终成功的实现了项目的最终目标,顺利的完成了! 失败是成功之母,我一直坚信这一点!

  Taking advantage of my insistent efforts, I was finally kissed by an opportunity to participate in a developing project, in which I worked as a core assistant of my teacher to develop the Iptables module under Linux. From a theoretical point of view, the development of the module could be included in the basic theories of the operating system. However, it was another challenge for me because I was not familiar with the programming of system module. Finally, I found the related knowledge on a book named “Module Programming”. Thanks to my repeated attempts, times of failures, at last, presented me with the final success. Through this practice, I believe firmly that failure is the access to the success.

  中国科学院是引领中国科学技术发展的先锋,从小我就渴望着有一天能成为其中的一员!大四的那个夏天我实现了我的这个梦想!通过老师的推荐我协助中科院自动化所的老师们开发一个基于生物特征认证的接口,虽然只有短短的两个星期,但我从中受益匪浅. 通过与实验室专家教授的沟通, 以及在图书馆里查阅相关文献,我将整个BIOAPI的接口规范,类和数据结构的设计,以及对生物接口的理念进行了*了解。最终利用C++编写除了初步的与该实验室应用上的接口.成功后的喜悦不言而喻.

  I had a dream when I was just a kid----being a member in Chinese Academy of Science, the pioneer of the science and technology in China. My senior year witnessed me to achieve my dream. Under the remendation of my teacher, I got the opportunity to work with the professors in automation department of CAS on developing the interface based on the biometric authentication technology. Two weeks was a short time, but a harvest time for me. Through the exchange with the experts and professors and looking up large amount of books and related literatures in the library, my understanding on all the specifies BIOAPI interface, the design of the 类 and data structure and the biometric interfaces had largely deepened. Seeing the final success, the sweetest smile in the world blossomed on my face.


  My assiduity in study and careful working attitude won the appreciation of the professors in CAS. Therefore, at the last period of my undergraduate study, I was remended by them to plete my graduation design by participating in a graduate subject of Chinese Blog Search Engine.

  做为assistant. 在这个过程中我完成了对blog数据的抓取和存储,采用的有C语言,perl语言,mysql数据库。通过自学和向师兄请教又学到了很多的新技术和知识,最终完成了一个博客搜索引擎的框架。

  As the assistant, I pleted the access and storage of the Blog data by using C language and Perl database. With the help of my studying fellows, I finally designed a frame of the Blog Search Engine and learn many new technologies.


  After graduation, I accepted the offer of working on Sina website, where I was mainly responsible for the batch installation of operating system, tailor of the software package, the safety configuration, the smooth running of the equipments on line, the test and recovery of various hardware failures. Meanwhile, I was in charge of the immediate response and disposal of the accidents and the exact maintenance of thousands of servers in the whole pany.
