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湘教版八年级《英语》教材是在新课程标准的指导思想下由加拿大著名英语教育学家Jim Green law和上海外国语大学王德春教授主编,北京仁爱教育研究所组织编写,湖南教育出版社出版的Project English教科书。本书内容新颖,体现了浓厚的人文意识和科学精神,贴近时代,贴近学生,贴近生活,注重开发学生的综合语言运用能力,发展学生的综合素质。本教科书的体例结构有单元→话题→功能→任务等部分组成,起点低,循序渐进,阶梯性强,语言地道,以话题(Topic)来安排书的主线;三个话题构成一个单元,每两个单元后安排一个复习单元;每个话题用四至六个课时教授。其中Section A为新授课;Section B为操练课;Section C为拓展课;Section D为巩固课,共有词汇400多个。详见:

Unit 1 Keeping Healthy

Topic 1 You should go to see a doctor .

Talking about illnesses.

Seeing the doctor.

Asking for and giving advice.

Topic 2 You must wash your hands before meals.

Talking about school personal hygiene.

Reminding and warning.

Topic 3 What should we do to fight SARA?

Talking about health and exercise.

Making telephone calls and leaving messages.

Asking for and giving advice.

Unit 2 Playing Sports

Topic 1 I like playing soccer.

Talking about preference.

Talking about sports and games.

Describing some famous athletes.

Topic 2 Will you join us?

Talking about team games and racing.

Making requests and responses.

Expressing plaints and apologies.

Topic 3 What should we do for the Olympics?

Talking about the Olympic games.

Describing the symbol of Olympic games.

Recycle 1 Review of Units 1-2

Unit 3 My Hobby

Topic 1 What things do you love collecting?

Talking about interests and hobbies.

Expressing likes and dislikes.

Topic 2 I like country music.

Talking about music.

Expressing likes and dislikes.

Topic 3 The movie is so wonderful!

Expressing agreement and disagreement.

Unit 4 Our Word

Topic 1 Plants and animals are important for us.

Talking about nature.

Describing animals, plants and place.

Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs.

Talking about popular science and modern technology.

Expressing certainty and uncertainty.

Topic 3 The Great Wall is a symbol of the Chinese nation.

Talking about cultural relics.

Talking about symbolic buildings.

Recycle 2 Review of Units 3-4



1) 狠抓教学常规,重点放在差生的管理上。如经常检查笔记及作业,多进行个别辅导,培养他们良好的学习习惯和纪律行为。

2) 以落实书本知识为主,对知识重,难点精讲精练。

3) 多组织单元测试,以定期进行质量分析,发现问题,及时采取措施。

4) 认真批改作业,加强作业讲评。

5) 注重培养学生学英语的方法和好习惯,多读;多听;多练;多说。

6) 提高课堂45分钟的效率,让学生学得好,学得轻松愉快。

7) 开展“结对子”活动,以优带差,互帮互助。


Unit 1 每个话题4课时,共12课时。

Unit 2 每个话题4课时,共12课时。

Recycle 1 4课时

Unit 3 每个话题4课时,共12课时。

Unit 4 每个话题4课时,共12课时。

Recycle 2 4课时

总复习 8 课时,共计64课时