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December 15, 2000

Dear Mary,

I am very sor

ry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon. The fact is that I had an engagement with some friends and, ignorant of your visit, acpanied them to the cinema. Not until nine oclock in the evening did I e back. You must have been disappointed by my absence.

I hope you will not leave the city this week. I will call on you on Friday afternoon at four o??clock. As this is the first time you e to Beijing, I will take you to some places that may interest you. Please wait for me in your hotel at the appointed time.

Yours truly,

Xiao Cheng


Oct. 31, 2000

Dear Mr. Clark,

I would like to express my apologies for not being able to keep our 9 o??clock appointment. I had a small accident on my way to school. I will e over to your apartment the day after tomorrow ― Monday, November 2, at 9 a.m. if that is convenient for you. I will check my mailbox tomorrow to see if you have left a note for me. Otherwise, I will see you at nine, Monday morning. With many apologies.

Li Xiaomei(Signed)


Sep. 25, 2001

Dear Sirs:

Thank you for your letter concerning Mr. Pennington??s visit to China. Unfortunately our Export Manager, Mr. Li is in the U.S. at present and will not be back until 12th October. Therefore, I am very sorry to inform you that he is unable to meet Mr. Pennington these days. He would, however, be very pleased to see Mr. Penn??ington if he could be in Beijing after that date. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
