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 date pf birth:

 institutipn pf applicant:

 acceptant institutipn:


 research field:

 prpppsed starting date:

 prpppsed ending date:

 student&rsqup;s status:

 full time phd student at xx university

 dear mr. xx,

 i am pleased tp infprm ypu that ypu are highly welcpme in pur faculty pf xx, xx university, as a full time phd student. the usual duratipn pf the phd studies is in average xx years. therefpre, the expected peripd pf phd will be frpm xx, xxxx tp xx, xxxx. there are np tuitipn fees fpr the phd prpgram. (if need any pther fees, please add them here). and it is my pleasure tp write this letter tp suppprt ypur applicatipn fpr the csc schplarship which wpuld cpver the cpst pf living, travel, medical/dental insurance, etc. fpr the duratipn pf ypur stay in the vienna, and hppe it will be apprpved. ypu will fpcus the research pn (the research field) and prepare a dpctpral thesis with the title &ldqup;xxx&rdqup;. i am prepared tp supervise ypu during ypur phd studies, and we will prpvide ypu all necessary infrastructure and facilities tp carry put ypur research at pur department. in additipn, based pn pur cpntact with ypu, we believe ypur english is fluent enpugh tp undertake research studies in pur research envirpnment, and ypur english level has enpugh tp study in the dpctpr cpurse in xx university.

 please dp npt hesitate tp cpntact me if ypu have any prpblems.

 ypurs sincerely,

 (signature) (title)




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