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Dear XXX:  

 I am writing to invite you to join me in XXXX(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in December 2005. I am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the UK as my dependant. 

 I confirm that I will be responsible for financing our stay in the UK and that of our child, XXX. I will provide for our daily expenses and the cost of our acmodation. A copy of my tenancyagreement are enclosed as evidence of the arrangement that I have already made for our housing. 

 The documents that I am sending you with this letter prise: (a) Photocopy of relevant pages from my passport.(b) an official University of Nottingham letter confirming the details of my Mphil/PhD course.(c) a letter from my university sponsor giving details of the scholarship I am receiving for my current course of study (d) my most recent three months bank statements from my UK bank account. (e) a copy of my tenancy agreement. 

 For further information, I can be contacted at the above address.  



 Ich lade hiermit Herrn / Frau / Fraeulein  


 Zuname, Vorname  


 Geburtsdatum, Geburtsort  




 fuer die Zeit vom________________ bis __________________ein。  

 Ich verpflichte mich, fuer alle im Zusammenhang mit dieser Reise entstehenden Kosten aufzukommen。 Vom Inhalt des §84 Auslaendergesetz wurde ich durch umseitiger Merkblatt in Kenntiniss des Verpflichtung wurde mir ausgehaedigt。 


 Ort, Datum  



 Beglaubigung des Unterschrift  


 Zuname, Vorname  




 Wohnhaft, Strass, Wohnort  

 ( ) Personalausweis Nr。: ____________________  

 ( ) Reisepass Nr。: _________________________  

 hat vorstehende Unterschrift vor mir vollzogen。 Auf die Verpflichtung gemaess §84 Auslaedergesetz Dies wird hiermit amtlich beglaubigt。 


